Algier Point gets a new record store: Juan Le Ger Records

It's been an exciting couple of months for New Orleans record stores, with Euclid and Louisiana Music Factory moving to new, nicer spots and Captain's Vinyl getting a real storefront. Now the westbank is getting a Record Store.

Juan Le Ger Record Shop opens this Thursday the 17th at 11, just in time for Record Store Day. Located at 240 Pelican Ave in Algiers Point, just two blocks away from the ferry, Record Raid veteran John Houska is stocking the joint with tons of used wax of all styles, though his specialty is 45s. It's a beautiful building with lots of nice light, beautiful aged wood, and Juan Le Ger's art on the walls. While they're still pricing things out, John says it's coming along nicely for Thursday: credit card payment is ready, everything's arranged, looking good.