Record Raid July 21st!

Louisiana summers get HOT but that won't stop us from wheelin and deeling our wax! It's time for another Record Raid! Back on St. Claude Avenue
Louisiana summers get HOT but that won't stop us from wheelin and deeling our wax! It's time for another Record Raid! Back on St. Claude Avenue
A proper show deserves a proper website. There's still some building out to do but this is the new home, no updates at the old
This may not be all too much to be excited over... but we do have much more exciting news coming down the tubes!
We're firing it up again for WTUL's marathon, back on WTUL's Campus under that nice, peaceful tree. Vendors, contact NOW for more details
The July Record Raid went so well I think we'll just do it all over. Siberia and Hi-Ho are back onboard and AllWays Lounge, right across the street wants to join in. Same as last time:
November 12th Noon-6pm
2200 block of St. Claude Ave, New Orleans
Free and open to the public
Looking at more vendors and more music! See the contact page if you'd like to vend
While the Ponderosa Stomp is a record collectors' type of concert series, this blog is concerned with Record Fairs in New Orleans. That means the 3rd Annual Ponderosa Stomp Record Fair!
These are slightly different than the Record Raids (and have been around just a little longer!). Vinyl only! $5 admission! But due to the national draw of the event, there are vendors you won't find at the Record Raid and merchandise aimed at higher-ticket customers. Particularly aimed at rhythm and blues, funk, rock & roll, garage, and psych nuts.
Aw jeez, where was I writing this post? Especially after it ABSOLUTELY RULED. Things were a little slow getting started due to a mix-up and it could have been better lit, but most vendors agreed that this was the most lucrative ever. Perhaps it was the Marigny crowd, maybe it was the promotion Siberia (and I guess I) put in, but there wasn't a dull moment in either Siberia or the Hi-Ho. Thanks to everybody that helped and came out, more coming! Possibly at the same locations. But let me take a quick side-step!
22 vendors! 29 tables! Food, DJs, Drinks, and MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MUSIC
Free Entry
The Hi-Ho Lounge is now part of the fun! Less than a block down from Siberia, BOTH venues will have vendors, music, food and fun, including apparently a new Korean kitchen at the Hi-Ho!
I'm currently looking for a few 45-slingin' DJs to set the mood. If you're down and especially if you're willing to lend your turntables to the cause, please get in touch
For the summer Record Raid we're moving back indoors. With air conditioning and light this time, thanks to Siberia at 2227 St. Claude Ave! Siberia allows us to do a few few new things: drink, eat, and have live DJ sets! Siberia does not allow us to: nothing! This is going to be excellent!
As usual, please contact me for vendor details