Next Record Raid is at Ace Hotel (600 Carondelet St) Sunday, December 9th.
Doors open to early birds at 10am with $5 admission, FREE admission from 11am-5pm. All ages
We have 30 vendors, one quarter of them brand new to the lineup. You could spend all day and not see the same record twice.
What is Record Raid? We're New Orleans biggest and longest-running record show -- sort of a pop-up record store, with vinyl, CDs, tapes and more being sold from vendors all over the region. Looking for something rare? You might find it here! Getting started with collecting vinyl and looking for some cheapies to get started? You'll find plenty. New and used, no genre restrictions, just a good time.
This is our first event at the Ace Hotel and will include food and beverage options (as well as an ATM) right inside the building. We try to make these fun -- hang out, enjoy yourself, talk with other music nerds. And don't worry, Saints game will be projected onto the wall.
Here's our full-size flyer if you want to spread the word.